Gardener educator Dan Rubin of Perfectly Perennial Herbs and Seeds will present an informative session on seed saving. In this workshop, he will share plant life cycles, what seeds are and why they are important, heritage seeds, the differences between annual, biennial and perennial seeds, self-pollinating and cross-pollinating varieties, seed saving from vegetables, fruits and trees, techniques for seed harvesting and cleaning, how to harvest and dry seeds from wet fruit, seed storage and seed sharing.As an experienced gardener and seedsman, he will offer tips to help you succeed with your own home seed saving. Dan will wrap up with a list of books and publications that offer good information and advice for new and experienced gardeners.
Dan will explain the basics of seed starting indoors to help extend the growing season, the major mistakes to avoid and how to plan and time your plantings so that bedding plants will be ready to transplant at the right time.Along the way, he will provide general background on seeds, and their importance to the food we eat, as well as the way varieties we depend on have been developed over time. Combining hands-on demonstration in his greenhouse and seed starting room with detailed background information, this will give participants a good grounding in how, why and when to start their own seedlings.
Detailed instructions on how to plant your seeds, for the best results. Just in time for spring.!
Ken and Shirley are regular vendors at the Shuswap Seed Swap.
Coming soon
Harvesting your seed at the right time can be challenging; too early and it may not be viable, too late and it may have already dispersed or been snacked on by wild life. Sarah, of Wise Woman Seeds, will share her knowledge as an experienced seed saver, to help you learn how to harvest viable seed.
In the Q &A Sarah also talks about saving squash seed.
Making a seed collection is easy, but keeping it viable and sustainable is much harder. Bob Wildfong reveals the best practices behind Seeds of Diversity's Seed Library collection so you can start right and keep your collection vital in the long run.